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A distillation of some accumulated opinions


  • I would rather use a typed language than an untyped one. I've used Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Clojure, Rust, and Kotlin in production.
  • Lean hard on static analysis, types, and tests to thoroughly validate your code.


  • I believe engineering is fundamentally about people. I care about how you feel, satisfaction, mental state and well being. Happy, focused, and driven people are the most productive, best to work with and they help one another do their best work.
  • I believe in essence and getting to the heart of things, reuse and systems thinking. I enjoy debugging, understanding, building mental models and getting to the root of issues. I will find joy in building these models with you and be excited when I see you do the same.
  • I believe in bias to action. Our best option is to keep learning, explore the environment, and reduce unknowns. Action will short circuit debate and I believe that’s the correct tradeoff. I would rather we do something 50% wrong but learn something than wait and do something perfectly after a significant delay. I believe incremental change and course correction is more effective than initial precision.


  • The anthropomorphism of AI is a net-negative for humanity. Pundits are deliberately mis-informing the users of AI about its capabilities.